The Lappe Lantern is always searching for input and content! This includes pictures, editorials and advertising of local businesses. If you have any suggestions, questions or ideas, please reach out to us at
You can receive the Lappe Lantern the following ways
- hard copy mailed (is your mailing address current with us?)
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Ad Specs: Formats accepted: PDF; TIFF; JPEG; EPS Resolution required; Minimum of 150 dpi; greyscale or black/white
Editorial Submissions: Each issue includes up to 3 seasonally relevant editorials (300 words or less).
Ad Pricing:
Full Page: 7.5” x 9.1875”h – $150
¾ Page: 7.5” w x 6.875” h – $100
½ Page H: 7.5” w x 4.625” h – $65
½ Page V: 3.625” w x 9.1875” h – $65
¼ Page: 3.625” w x 4.625” h – $35
Business Card: 3.625” w x 2.125” h – $20