Skating Rink
The Lappe Skating Rink is located at 3160 Kam Current Road, at the Lappe Ski Centre. It is open to the public, weather dependent, daily until 9 pm during winter months. This is an unsupervised facility with provided heated skate shack. Lights come on at dusk and turn out at 9:30pm.
FAMILY SKATE times – Wednesday and Sunday until 5pm; at this time no sticks/shinny/scrub/pucks allowed on the ice unless no one else is using the facility
- No washroom in the facility; portapotty on premise
- Be respectful to ALL on ice
- You are on CAMERA; security surveillance 24 hrs
- Many of your neighbours donate hours to make this rink possible; please be respectful of the facility, provided equipment and clean up when you leave
If you are interested in volunteering to lend a hand with the rink care, please contact Lindsay at 807-472-1282