Bylaws Meeting  September 28, 2021

  1. Call to Order       The Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm.

Present:  LSB:  Bonnie Buck (Secretary/Treasurer);
Directors: Chris Hansen, BJ Kapush, Sacha Torkkeli, Ron Heinaaho, Lorenz Bosinger

Fire Services: Darren Auld


  1. Agenda  Motion 02/09/21

– Motion to accept the Agenda
– Moved by BJ Kapush, seconded by Lorenz Bosinger. Adopted.

  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting
    Motion 03/09/21 –    Motion to accept the Minutes of the September 14, 2021 Regular Meeting.
    Moved by Sacha Torkkeli, seconded by BJ Kapush. Adopted.

Motion 04/09/21   Motion to accept the Minutes of the September 14, 2021 Election Meeting.

                                Moved by Sacha Torkkeli, seconded by BJ Kapush. Adopted.

  1. Business Arising from Minutes Floor is open for nominations for Chair for 2021-22.  Chris Hansen was nominated by BJ Kapush, seconded by Sacha Torkkeli.  No other nominations.  Chris Hansen accepted the nomination and is elected Chair for 2021-22.
  2. Financial Reports
    Motion 05/09/21

– Motion to approve the Financial Reports.

– Moved by BJ Kapush, seconded by Lorenz Bosinger. Adopted.

  1. Correspondence – AON Insurance Policy Renewal reviewed.  Increase of 1.3% from 2020-21


  1. New Business
  2. a) Bylaws

               Bylaws were reviewed and signed with Motion to Accept. These included:

–        Bylaw 21/22 – 1 Service Contract

–        Bylaw 21/22 – III Procedural Bylaw

–        Bylaw 21/22 – XVI Library

–        Bylaw 21/22 – XX Conflict of Interest

–        Bylaw 21/22 – XXI Protocol in Unforeseen Emergency

–        Bylaw 21/22 – V City of Thunder Bay

–        Bylaw 21/22 – IV Municipal Insurance

–        Bylaw 21/22 – X Secretary

–        Bylaw 21/22 – II Banking

–        Bylaw 21/22 – XIX Out of Pocket Expenses

–        Bylaw 21/22 – XXIV Trout Lake Punch Card Sales

–        Bylaw 21/22 – XXIII Non-Disclosure Agreement

–     Bylaw 21/22 – XXV Fire Number Policy

–     Bylaw 21/22 – XXVI COVID 19 Protocol for Board Members, Secretary/Treasurer, Fire Chief

–     LSB Procurement Bylaw 2021/2022


  1. b) Agreements/Contracts

                        LSB Funding Agreement for 2021/22

Fire Protection Service Contract for 2021/22


  1.    c) SnowPlow Contract 2021-22 Tender

Tenders were presented to the Board.   Tender for 2021/22 was awarded to Vaillant Services (Eric Vaillant).


  1. d) Plaque has been ordered for donation acknowledgement for the shed at the Gorham/Ware School and plaque stating “property of LLSB” will be ordered and placed on the display units in the entrance of Gorham/Ware School.


  1. Recreation Report – Submitted by Carly Torkkeli, Recreation Coordinator

Grant application is coming along and will be submitted by September 29, 2021.  Grant is approx. $500K.  Mostly requesting funding for groundwork, fencing and landscaping.

Recreation programs will at a standstill and have received NO communication from Gorham/Ware School or the Lakehead Public School Board regarding using our facilities.  Recreation Committee will be engaged and introduced at a future Board Meeting.

Motion 06/09/21:  Motion to accept:  BJ Kapush, seconded by Ron Heinaaho. Adopted.


  1. Emergency Services Report – Darren Auld, Fire Chief

Nothing to report.

Motion 07/09/21:  Motion to accept:  BJ Kapush, seconded by Lorenz Bosinger.  Adopted.

  1. Waste Facility

The road to the Transfer site will be graded prior to winter.


Motion 08/09/21:  Motion to accept:  Lorenz Bosinger, seconded by BJ Kapush.  Adopted.


  1. Fire Number Report – Stephen Garstin, Fire Number Installer

Additions to Fire Number Policy were reviewed by the Board and motion to accept all was made.

Motion 09/09/21:  Motion to accept changes to policy for 2021-22.  Lorenz Bosinger, seconded by Ron Heinaaho.  Adopted.



  1.     Adjournment – Motion 10/09/21:  Motion to adjourn – Ron Heinaaho, seconded by BJ Kapush

Meeting adjourned at 8:16 PM