Emergency Services
Fire Hall locations:
13384 Gilbride Road
2042 Kam Current Road
Chief: Darren Auld firechief@lappe.ca
Deputy Chief: Lorenz Bosinger
OPP 911
MNR-FIRE PERMITS 807-476-2200
FOREST FIRE 1-888-284-3473
FIRE IN NW ONTARIO 807-310-FIRE (3473)
AFTER HOURS HYDRO 1-800-434-1235
POISON CONTROL 1-800-268-9017
Can we find you? Is your Fire Number Visible? 1st response will be delayed if you can’t be found. It is your responsibility to ensure your number is visible. KNOW YOUR FIRE NUMBER.
Residents should check to see that their “fire” number is visible and securely mounted to the metal post. This number will guide the fire department, police, ambulance and even your friends to your house or camp. It is very important it is kept in a clearly visible position and not knocked over by the snow plow during the winter. If you need to replace your number or have a new build, please contact the Lappe & Area Local Services Board Office at 807-768-4350
A message from the Fire Team & your Local Services Board
FIRE CHIEF: Darren Auld firechief@lappe.ca
The Lappe Fire Department is always continuing to advance our skills to serve the community in our best way. We are dedicated towards helping protect our homes and community and focus not only on active training, but, also fire prevention.
If you live in Northwestern, Northern or Central Ontario, you must follow certain rules to have an outdoor fire. By law, you require a fire permit to burn wood, brush, leaves and grass during the fire season (April 1 – October 31) unless you follow all the rules outlined below and:
- Conditions allow it to burn safely until extinguished
- You take all necessary steps to tend, control and extinguish the fire
- You are not having an open fire in a restricted fire zone
If you do not burn safely or burn material without a permit when one is needed, you can be fined and held responsible for the cost of putting out the fire and for any damage incurred. Please visit www.ontario.ca/page/wildfire-protection for more information.