Next Meeting April 20, 2021 – ZOOM

Minutes – March 23, 2021

  1. Call to Order

The Meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm.  Carly Torkkeli is Acting Chair

Present:  LSB:  Bonnie Buck (Secretary/Treasurer), Carly Torkkeli (Acting Chair),
Directors: Chris Hansen, Ryan Lotas, BJ Kapush

Fire Services: Darren Auld

                      Regrets:  Don Boyce

  1. Agenda
    Motion 01/03/21 – Motion to accept the Agenda
    – Moved by Ryan Lotas, seconded by BJ Kapush.  Adopted.
  2. Minutes of Previous Meeting
    Motion 02/03/21 –    Motion to accept the Minutes of the February 16, 2021
    Moved by Chris Hansen, seconded by Ryan Lotas. Adopted.
  3. Business Arising from Minutes none
  4. Financial Reports
    Motion 03/03/21 

– Motion to approve the Financial Reports.

– Moved by Ryan Lotas, seconded by BJ Kapush.  Adopted.

  1. Correspondence

Media contact regarding comments on Milne dump expansion.

  1. New Business 


1)     Bylaw 20/21 V.1  – amended and reviewed.

Motion 04/03/21 – Motion to approve the amended transfer site dumping bylaw

–        Moved by BJ Kapush, seconded by Ryan Lotas.  Adopted


2)     Discussed tender for driveway on new property.  Tender will be discussed at April 20 meeting.  The Board members look at the property prior to the meeting to discuss location of the driveway.


  1. Recreation Report – Submitted by Carly Torkkeli, Recreation Coordinator There are 173 kids signed up for the GardenKit Program on Easter weekend.  Pickup is contactless, at the Lappe Ski Centre parking lot.  Parents will drive up and the kit will be handed to them in the vehicle.  Carly is attending a seminar on April 8 on Funding for Recreational Grants for Not-for-Profits.  Goal is still to find funding to hire a consultant to plan the property.

Motion 05/03/21:  Motion to accept:  Chris Hansen, seconded by BJ Kapush. Adopted.

  1.   Emergency Services Report – Darren Auld  No training at the moment because of Covid restrictions.  The Jaws of Life is received; training needed on using it.  Still not getting medical calls at this time.  And 1st round of COVID vaccinations were completed.  Bunker Gear (full turnout gear) is slated for purchase in 21-22 budget.  This year, we are purchasing boots and helmets.  Goal is to become more self-sufficient and less dependent on the OFM; doing so in small steps.  OFM gear is baseline and uncomfortable – ill fitting, and times have changed – Lappe Fire is known for being a progressive fire department and we would like to keep up-to-date with equipment.  There was a lengthy discussion with the Board and many questions asked; a conclusion was made as long as there is consistency with the gear, the Board is OK with purchase. As for fitting new members; this will only be done after said member has proved their dedication to the department.  Approx cost is $1,000/volunteer to be outfitted.     Motion 05/03/21:  Motion to accept:  Ryan Lotas, seconded by Chris Hansen.  Adopted.
  2. Waste Facility, Presented by Don Boyce

Road into the Transfer Site was widened and maintained before spring thaw.

Motion 06/03/21:  Motion to accept:  BJ Kapush, seconded by Ryan Lotas.  Adopted.

  1. Fire Number Report – Stephen Garstin, Fire Number Installer

no report

  1.     Adjournment – Motion 07/03/21:  Motion to adjourn – Chris Hansen, seconded by BJ Kapush

Meeting adjourned at  7:54 PM