Minutes of Recreation Meeting – February 1, 2022

  1. Call to Order

The Meeting was called to order at 7:08 PM.

Present:  LSB Bonnie Buck (Secretary/Treasurer); Chris Hansen, Chair
Directors:  Lorenz Bosinger, BJ Kapush, Ron Heinaaho (ZOOM), Sacha Torkkeli (ZOOM)

Fire Services: Darren Auld

Recreation Coordinator:  Carly Torkkeli (ZOOM)


  1. Agenda

This meeting was called to discuss future development of the Recreation property.  Discussion of expectations, financial commitments by the LSB and yearly goals.  Order of development needs to be discussed with budget in mind.  As well, opening of the skate shack – protocols, responsibility placed on whom for opening/lockup; cleaning; and maintenance.


Recreation Property

The meeting was initiated by the Chair, Chris Hansen, asking for clarification of perceived development of the new property in the suggested site plan.  The Board agreed to tenders on possible site development plans but there is confusion on what these plans will involve.  Ron Heinaaho commented the plan is a basic plan including a recreational centre, parking lot, skating rink, soccer fields, washrooms.

It was discussed by Chris Hansen and Bonnie Buck (Secretary/Treasurer) on budget allotments.  What is set aside for the new property in this year’s budget.  Any other funding can be put towards development as it is received or obtained (example grants, fundraising, donations) but because the LSB only has a limited amount of funds set in the budget for development of the property this is how development should be planned.  It was stressed that funds will determine how quickly we develop the property.  It will be slow; based on income.  Unless the development is fueled by contributions in way of donations, fundraising efforts or grants monies.

Chris Hansen and BJ Kapush both walked the property and are in agreement there is enough fill on the property to build a driveway in the Spring 2022.  Suggestion was once spring thaw occurs, and the property is accessible, it will be walked by the Board members and the landscape of the property will help determine where the parking lot, soccer field, etc with be situated.

The goal of this property is to develop useable space – a place for sports and recreation for the community.  This goal is to be reached even before hydro.  There are many examples of useable recreational sites that lack hydro.  A Recreational Centre is an ideal end goal but not for years down the road.  The LSB cannot obtain loans and budgets run on a year-to-year basis.  We can accept donations and fundraise.  This is why a Recreation Committee was attempted to be developed – to spearhead the fundraising and donations for the new property.

Carly Torkkeli (Recreation Coordinator) is watching applications for grants that would be applicable. She agreed a site plan or any study to make the LSB look professional (feasibility plans, business plan) would help.  Carly also agreed without basic infrastructure completed (driveway, parking lot), grant applications are limited.

Chris Hansen addressed the Board about earthmoving being the 1st priority which can only happen in the spring when the ground is thawed.  Then elevation shots, sample of sill can be taken and assessment can be made where the parking lot will be situated.  From there, we can develop a soccer field so the LSB can begin hosting recreation activity for the community.  It was agreed Ron Heinaaho can obtain 3 quotes giving the property a basic start in the planning stage for the Board to review and vote on whether or not to proceed.


Gorham & Ware School Meeting

Chris Hansen recently had a meeting with the Principal of G&W School, Jeff Upton.  Jeff has expressed interest in having the LSB re-join the school community with Recreational activity.  He is willing to chat with the LSB and his superiors to try to re-establish a working partnership.    Chris will set up a meeting with Jeff, himself, and Bonnie and Carly to attend to discuss obstacles.  Carly stated she would need to know by late March to begin enrollment for spring soccer which would begin in April-end of June.


Skate Shack Discussion

The Recreation shed will be moved this week allowing opening of the Skate Shack on Saturday, February 5.  Bonnie and Darren will ensure all signage is hung and cleaning/disinfecting protocol is available.  BJ Kapush will bring in a loader to clean the area for installation of a porta potty and the area beside the existing building to place the new Recreation shed.  BJ will also arrange for a porta-potty rental.  Tim Wheeler and Darren Auld have volunteered to organize opening and locking up of the shack, as well, maintenance including daily cleaning.  If they are unable to commit on a particular day, they will make arrangements with another to ensure it is done.



  1. Correspondence   Letter from Robin & Kevin Latimer regarding an early winter donation of funds from  Recreation for an entry fee to Anemki Tournament which was cancelled this year.  It was decided by the Board to ask these funds to be returned and the monies placed towards purchase of 2 new hockey nets for the rink.  Bonnie Buck will notify Robin & Kevin of this decision and order new nets for the rink.


4.Adjournment – Meeting adjourned at 8:13 PM.