Minutes of the Meeting – April 19, 2022

  1. Call to Order

The Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM

Present:  LSB Bonnie Buck (Secretary/Treasurer), Chris Hansen (Chair),
Directors:  BJ Kapush, Ron Heinaaho, Lorenz Bosinger, Sacha Torkkeli,

 Via ZOOM: Carly Torkkeli (Recreation Director)

Fire Services: Darren Auld



  1. Agenda
    Motion 01/04/22

– Motion to accept the Agenda
– Moved by Sacha Lorenz Bosinger, seconded by BJ Kapush. Adopted.



  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting
    Motion 02/04/22 – Motion to approve March 29, 2022 minutes. Moved by BJ Kapush, seconded by Lorenz Bosinger. Adopted.


  1. Business Arising from Minutes none


  1. Financial Reports
    Motion 03/04/22

– Motion to approve the Financial Reports.

– Moved by BJ Kapush, seconded by Lorenz Bosinger. Adopted.


  1. Correspondence – attached correspondence from local resident regarding company name


  1. New Business

LOGO: 1 entry received, no decision made on the logo design

Invitational project information letter it was discussed an invitational letter will be sent to contracting companies to express interest in the next stage of the land development of the new property;  those interested will be invited to attend a tour of the property, discuss the land leveling project and insights of the Board.  The Secretary/Treasurer will draft this letter which will be forwarded once spring thaw enable a site visit.

Expression of Interest.         The Recreation Director has modified the EIO for the Recreation Committee.  Motion 04/04/22  Motion to approve the Expression of Interest for public circulation.  Moved by BJ Kapush, seconded by Lorenz Bosinger.  Adopted.

Update on Website New website was close but sadly much of it was lost in the power surges last week during the Wednesday storms.  The old website is still active and updated.


  1. Recreation Report – Submitted by Carly Torkkeli, Recreation Coordinator

Recreation Committee Update:  Board approval done for the EOI (see above new business)

Grant/Funding Applications:  open application to Trillium Community Resilience

Skating Rink Update:  Ice is now closed; Chris Hansen will be closing, cleaning and winterizing the change room for the next season.  Ground cleanup will need to be organized once the snow melts

Community Programming:  Soccer registration is in full swing, great interest.  Registration will close April 29th and first game will be May 25th, last game June 22nd pending weather and school approval, M&W 6:30-7:30pm.  Forms have went home with all school children at G&W, posted online and available at the store.  Approval from LPSB to use the washroom facilities for soccer.

Community use of schools has opened April 1st.  Restrictions for this school year include no weekend bookings or before 6pm on the weekdays.  Birthday parties can be booked Monday – Friday after 6pm.  Past Recreation groups (volleyball group, etc) have been contacted about resuming use of the facility.


Motion 05/04/22    Motion to accept Recreation report, moved by BJ Kapush, seconded by Sacha Torkkeli.  Adopted



  1. Emergency Services Report – Presented by Darren Auld, Chief

Busy as usual.  A prior volunteer with the department is returning to the Area and hopes to rejoin.  As well, a new member in the Community is interested.  Training is going well.  Still have a 2nd house burn to complete.  Steady to auto and medical calls.

Motion 06/04/22 Accepted by BJ Kapush, seconded by Sacha Torkkeli.  Adopted.

  1. Transfer Site/Waste Facility – Presented by Bonnie Buck Transfer site is now at Summer hours, effective April 16. I will be posting, effective immediately “hours are subject to change or may vary during Statutory holidays’


  1. Fire Number Report  Ramping up for a busy season


  1. Adjournment – Motion 07/04/22 motion to adjourn – Lorenz Bosinger, seconded by BJ Kapush. Meeting adjourned 7:45 PM