Minutes of the Meeting – February 19, 2019

  1. Call to Order

The Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm.

Present:  LSB:  Bonnie Buck (Secretary/Treasurer), Don Boyce (Chair),
Directors: Chris Hansen, Ryan Lotas, BJ Kapush, Carly Hackborn (Recreation)

Fire Services: Darren Auld

   Guests:   Lorenz Bosinger

  1. Agenda
    Motion 01/02/19
      – Motion to accept the Agenda
    – Moved by Ryan Lotas, seconded by BJ Kapush. Adopted.
  2. Minutes of Previous Meeting
    Motion 02/02/19 –    Motion to accept the Minutes of the January 15, 2019
    Moved by BJ Kapush, seconded by Chris Hansen. Adopted.
  3. Business Arising from Minutes

–        Contact made to Suzanne Mosley (Chaval) regarding the Lappe Lantern – letter written and forwarded regarding her volunteer contract with the LSB.

–        Don Boyce followed up on the ‘Notification of Blasting letter’ as discussed in January 15 meeting.  Don is gathering some written information before request is forwarded to companies involved on a notification schedule.

  1. Financial Reports
    Motion 03/02/19  
    Motion to approve the Financial Reports.

– Moved by Carly Hackborn, seconded by Chris Hansen.  Adopted.

  1. Correspondence

–        Letter from Suzanne Chaval

–        Superior North EMS letter to the Fire Department

  1.   New Business
  2. a)   Fire Numbers: The Board examined the sample fire # that Stephen Garstin provided, recycling the original sign by removing old decals and applying new numbers.  The Board approved this method with the advisement of possibly replacing the blue vinyl when possible and re-numbering.  As well a rubber ‘decal remover’ attachment for a cordless drill will be purchased.  Stephen is also approved to bill his hours and charge for removal and replacement of the #’s.

Motion 04/02/19  Motion to approve Stephen Garstin billing for recycling of fire #’s, removing and replacing decals.

Moved by Ryan Lotas, seconded by Carly Hackborn.  Adopted.

  1. Recreation Report – Submitted by Carly Hackborn, Recreation Coordinator Soccer is coming along.  Ordered shirts without the year on them so they can be used from year-to-year.  Six new nets will be purchased and 2 parachutes for soccer as well as agility cones.  T-Ball will be from September to Thanksgiving.  Soccer is this spring until June.  The windup for Soccer and T-Ball will be in September.  Carly will speak with Lappe Ski Centre in hopes of using their grounds for this.  Recreation Department is supplying prizes to the Lantern for its coloring contest. (5 prizes at $20 each).  Eric K. (Home & School Board) is looking at a donation of a dishwasher and hood for our Community kitchen; just awaiting a formal motion with their Board.  The Poken Run is this coming weekend, Home and School has a dance this Friday.  Birthday parties; let it be known that is they book online it’s a $50 fee; if they book through Carly, its free.  Carly will address the School Board at the annual meeting in the Spring to address ‘tagging’ us in the calendar so we do not double -book.  There is a dance recital March 23.

Motion 05/02/19:  Motion to accept:  Chris Hansen, seconded by BJ Kapush. Adopted.

  1. Emergency Services Report – Darren Auld, Fire Chief Smooth as usual.  Backup camera is being installed to try.  A new thermal imaging camera was purchased and is in for repair already.  MSA and SPI are coming to do a presentation Wednesday night.  There have been 3 calls for new Volunteers but I have referred them to September.  We have 22 Volunteers at the moment.  2 members will be leaving soon as they have full-time positions with OPP and Thunder Bay Fire Department.

Motion 06/02/19:  Motion to accept:  Ryan Lotas, seconded by BJ Kapush.  Adopted.

  1. Waste Facility, Presented by Don Boyce

Don Boyce reported he followed up with LTL on shovelling the gate the the Transfer Site.  It is just a miscommunication and they will try and keep up with it.  Follow-up needed on the recycling bins, when they are emptied so the dividers can be adjusted to accommodate cardboard/plastic accordingly.

Motion 07/02/19:  Motion to accept:  Ryan Lotas, seconded by Carly Hackborn.  Adopted.

  1. Fire Number Report – Stephen Garstin, Fire Number Installer

Warmest greetings to everyone!  As you can imagine, things are very slow at this time of year.  One thing I have continued to pursue is a way to improve our turnaround on the new signs, as well, saving a bit on the costs incurred while installing them.  I have provided Bonnie a sample sign to show to Darren and the Board for thoughts as to if the font used is suitable for our needs – fonts are copywritten and subject to licensing fees – the font on the sample sign is public domain, and I can get the vinyl numbers cut for half the price we are currently paying.  I would consider requesting it to be made perhaps 10% smaller overall, or perhaps only horizontally – I think it would feel crowded if we had to use one for a five character number.  As well, I seem to have a collection of older signs that were replaced for various reasons, and am wondering if the Board would consider reimbursing me for my time in carefully removing the old vinyl and reusing the signs.  Plus we get the knowledge that we are “recycling”.  I would not attempt to strip and reuse any signs that the reflective background seems compromised – only ones that still appear in very good shape.  I would also only do this on an as needed basis – I do not intend to strip and bill for a large number of signs.  The sample sign provided was applied to a ‘refurbished’ reflective slab, for reference.  Please feel free to reach out and give me feedback on any of these subjects.   (See Motion 04/02/19).

Motion 08/02/19:  Motion to accept:  Ryan Lotas, seconded by Carly Hackborn.  Adopted.

  1. Adjournment – Motion 09/02/19:

Motion to adjourn – Carly Hackborn, seconded by BJ Kapush

Meeting adjourned at  7:40 PM