Minutes of the Meeting – June 19, 2018

  1. Call to Order

The Meeting was called to order at 7:06 PM.

Present:  LSB Bonnie Buck (Secretary/Treasurer), Don Boyce (Chair),
Directors:  Sacha Torkkeli, BJ Kapush, Chris Hansen, Carly Hackborn (Recreation Coordinator

Fire Services: Darren Auld

Guests:  Lorenz Bosinger

  1. Agenda
    Motion 01/06/18 

– Motion to accept the Agenda
– Moved by Sacha Torkkeli, seconded by Carly Hackborn. Adopted.

  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting
    Motion 02/06/18
    – Moved by BJ Kapush, seconded by Chris Hansen. Adopted.
  2. Business Arising from May 15, 2018 Minutes BJ Kapush asked Don Boyce if a meeting was held with LTL regarding the Trout Lake Transfer Site.  Don confirmed no meeting had taken place as of today due to time restraints on his part.
  3. Financial Reports
    Motion 03/06/18

– Motion to approve the Financial Reports.

– Moved by BJ Kapush, seconded by Chris Hansen . Adopted. 

  1. Correspondence

Lakehead School Division, Joint Use Agreement, signatures obtained and moving forward.  It was suggested by Linda Braun to re-visit this contract in the first Board meeting in September to make the current Board aware of its effective dates.

  1. New Business

Discussion on possible development of a hockey rink at the Lappe Ski Centre.  Ideas such as getting Community involvement in the form of fundraising, volunteer hours.  We need funding for its development which will need to be built into the 2018-19 Budget.  Don Boyce will contact Tuija and Tim Puiras to determine if it is feasible to use their facility for the hockey rink.  A suggestion of calling a meeting during the summer months for further discussion, if warranted.

Confirmed the Election Meeting will be held Tuesday, September 18 at 7PM

Bonnie Buck, Secretary/Treasurer, provided and update on internet issues in the office.  Dave Costello with the School Board has OK’d installation of fibre into the LSB office, connecting off the current line in use at GWS.

  1. Recreation Report – Submitted by Carly Hackborn, Recreation Coordinator

The year-end soccer party is this week, pizza/popsicles and drinks will be provided as well as thank you for volunteer and coaching staff.  T-ball may be starting September to mid-October.  There is one birthday party scheduled this month.  Volleyball is coming to an end this week and the stage will be set up for Graduation scheduled for June 28.

Motion 04/06/18    Accepted by Chris Hansen, seconded by Sacha Torkkeli.  Adopted

  1. Emergency Services Report -Presented by Darren Auld

Swiftwater Canoe Rescue Training was held and went well.  There was an injury and she is still off work – dislocation of her ring finger.

A meeting with the OFM went very well, the new regulations for community risk assessment was discussed.  As well, we touched base on hazards (roads, lakes, rivers, planes, bridges, gas line) – any places that if lost, would have a financial impact on the community.

R-83 is out of service at the moment due to a broken wire, awaiting to take it in for warranty repair.

New SCBA’s were just picked up; they will be used in training first before going into service.

The Open House went very well, Best turnout so far!

Motion 05/06/18 Accepted by BJ Kapish; seconded by Chris Hansen.  Adopted.

  1. Transfer Site/Waste Facility

Presented by Don Boyce.  No meeting with LTL yet but plan on it within the next few weeks.  BJ Kapush will attend, time permitting, with Don.  BJ Kapush confirmed the road has been gravelled and graded.

Motion 06/06/18 Accepted by Sacha Torkkeli, seconded by Carly Hackborn.  Adopted

  1. Fire Number Report 

Nothing to report


  1. AdjournmentMotion 08/05/18 to adjourn – BJ Kapush, seconded by Chris Hansen.  Adopted

Meeting adjourned at 7:35 PM.