Minutes of the Meeting – May 18, 2021
- Call to order.
The Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm. ZOOM Meeting
Present: LSB: Bonnie Buck (Secretary/Treasurer), Don Boyce (Chair)
Directors: Chris Hansen, Ryan Lotas, BJ Kapush. Carly Torkkeli (Recreation Director)
Fire Services: Darren Auld
Guests: Mike Dunlop (MENDM); Residents Mary Jarrett
- Agenda Motion 01/05/21 – Motion to accept the Agenda
– Moved by Ryan Lotas, seconded by Carly Torkkeli. Adopted. - Minutes of Previous Meeting Motion 02/05/21 –
Motion to accept the Minutes of the April 20, 2021
Moved by Chris Hansen, seconded by Carly Torkkeli. Adopted.
- Business Arising from Minutes
i.) Driveway development at new property. Motion 03/05/21 Motion to accept the driveway tender draft for the property at Fire #3156 Old Hall Road, with revisions agreed upon by the Board. This tender will be advertised and tenders closed June 15, 2021. The addition of a gate on the driveway will be added upon completion. BJ Kapush to gather quotes on construction of an appropriate gate. Installation of the gate will be discussed in future. Moved by Chris Hansen, seconded by Carly Torkkeli. Adopted.
ii.) Hawkeye Residents and MNRF resolution letter was written and agreed upon. This is a temporary solution and will be reviewed in Fall 2021 with the MNRF and LLSB. Letters were sent to residents stating if they provide a minimum $100 donation to the Trout Lake Transfer Site, they will receive 3 – $20 punch cards as a thank you. The remaining $40 will be allocated to the maintenance and operation of the Trout Lake Transfer Site. Motion 04/05/21 Accepted and moved by Chris Hansen, seconded by Carly Torkkeli. Adopted.
iii.) Helmet and Boot purchase for Fire Team Members update: Darren Auld provided a quote of approximated $1000/member for helmet/boots; roughly 14 pairs of boots and 12 helmets required. Motion 05/05/21 Proceed with purchase of boot/helmets. Moved by BJ Kapush, seconded by Carly Torkkeli. Adopted.
- Financial Reports
Motion 06/05/21
– Motion to approve the Financial Reports.
– Moved by Ryan Lotas, seconded by BJ Kapush. Adopted.
- Correspondence
i.) Telephone call received from Robin Currie, past Secretary/Treasurer with the LLSB. She passed on the minutes from The Thunder Bay District Unorganized Taxpayers Association. Included in the package is a bank draft for $293.71 which is remaining from a joint contribution from Kaministiquia and Lappe Local Services Boards. ½ these funds will be forwarded to Kaministiquia ($146.86) the remaining will be allocated towards the LLSB new property development. Motion 07/05/21 moved by Chris Hansen, seconded by Carly Torkkeli. Adopted
ii.) Question from Resident Don Harris regarding MNRF charges for a recent fire. A letter was drafted and mailed to Mr. Harris regarding this matter.
iii.) A local resident, Kathy Hancock, has contacted the LLSB Secretary regarding additions of the telephone numbers of the Board Members in the Lappe Lantern. Although the Board Members will be listed in name only; contact to individual members can be made through the LSB office or by attending a monthly Board Meeting where the members can be addressed. As well, dates of upcoming meetings, addresses and contact information for the LLSB will remain to be included in the publication
iv.) Mary Jarrett correspondence regarding the R.A. Milne site and the LLSB involvement. Moved to new business.
v.) Lakehead Rural Planning Board. Currently the LLSB has no representation on this Board, instead the Ministry has appointed someone to represent that does not live in the district. This will be addressed in the next election year by the new board to recommend a resident be part of this Board. Their elections are in November 2021.
- New Business
1.) Mary Jarrett approached the Board regarding the expansion of the R.A. Milne industrial waste site. Mary expressed concern Milne is not following their Certificate of Approval regarding dumping of residential waste. Mary wanted clarification from the Board on whether or not the LLSB approached Milne to haul the garbage from Trout Lake Transfer Site to the Milne site. Don Boyce clarified with Mary, the Lappe & Area Local Services Board did approach R.A. Milne on the possibility of hauling to his site. This was an exploration on behalf of the LLSB to do a cost comparison to save money to the taxpayers. A number was given in response to the inquiry, and after discussion with the Board, it was unanimous to remain hauling to the City of Thunder Bay. As this quote given from Milne is considered a “tender” and according to Procurement Bylaw, the Board is unable to release particulars of the quote.
2.) A storage unit is rented at Superior Self Storage (heated). All Administrative and recreational items currently stored within the storage area at the school will be moved to this unit for easier access. As well, most of the Administrative material stored is highly confidential and requires better security that provided at the school at this current time. Motion 08/05/21 moved by Ryan Lotas, seconded by Carly Torkkeli. Adopted.
- Recreation Report – Submitted by Carly Torkkeli, Recreation Coordinator Carly suggested research and an application be submitted to Green & Inclusive Infrastructure Program for funding for Recreational on the new property. Carly suggested possible funding for a building similar to the skate shack use for storage for recreational material, a soccer and volleyball field. July 6 deadline for this application. It was decided by the Board to meet again early June to discuss this application further with ideas from the Board members. Motion 09/05/21: Motion to accept: Chris Hansen, seconded by BJ Kapush. Adopted.
- Emergency Services Report – Darren Auld O’rnge had placed a day only restriction on the helipad but modifications are made and it is back to day/night use. The cones are now cemented at the base. O’rnge has specified to continue use of the helipad, improvement must be made to the landing pad. It is a hazard at the moment with sinking and debris. No turf can be used inside the landing pad. Preferred material is a concrete pad surrounded by asphalt. It was suggested that grass seed (or spray hydroseed) be spread around the area of the landing pad to reduce dust. Possible solution is to apply crushed asphalt for in the interim until a solution is agreed upon. Darren has gathered quotes to built a concrete pad and surround with asphalt. The Board will meet in early June to review the tenders and made a decision. Mike Dunlop (MNDM) will investigate for any available funding. Motion 10/05/21: Motion to accept: BJ Kapush, seconded by Chris Hansen. Adopted.
- Waste Facility, Presented by Don Boyce
No report
Motion 11/05/21: Motion to accept: BJ Kapush, seconded by Ryan Lotas. Adopted.
- Fire Number Report – Stephen Garstin, Fire Number Installer All is well; ordered some materials. Started installations last month.
- Adjournment – Motion 12/05/21: Motion to adjourn – Ryan Lotas, seconded by BJ Kapush
Meeting adjourned at 7:48 PM