Minutes of the Meeting – September 18, 2018

  1. Call to Order

The Meeting was called to order at 7:15 PM.

Present:  LSB Bonnie Buck (Secretary/Treasurer), Don Boyce (Chair),

Directors:  Sacha Torkkeli, BJ Kapush, Chris Hansen, Carly Hackborn (Recreation Coordinator

Fire Services: Darren Auld

Guests:  Lorenz Bosinger, Bobbi Gillies, Barb Sato, Lloyd Kivinen, Charlotte Kivinen, Linda Braun, Tuija Puiras, Dale Smith, Petra Kapush, Donna Garstin, Ryan Lotas, Betty Dillabough, Jessica Araya, Toni Johnson, Ken Dixon

  1. Agenda
    Motion 01/09/18 

– Motion to accept the Agenda
– Moved by Chris Hansen, seconded by BJ Kapush. Adopted.

  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting
    Motion 02/09/18
    – Moved by Sacha Torkkeli, seconded by Carly Hackborn. Adopted.
  2. Business Arising from June 19, 2018 Minutes – update on possible hockey rink.  It will be addressed by the new Board in the new year in October 2018.  Cost of it will need to be built into next year’s budget.
  3. Financial Reports
    Motion 03/09/18

– Motion to approve the Financial Reports.

– Moved by BJ Kapush, seconded by Carly Hackborn. Adopted. 

  1. Correspondence – Letter via email from Suzanne Mosley regarding the Lappe Lantern.  It was discussed among the board and community present.  It was decided to keep the Lantern at 3 issues per year, with dates of mid-September, December 1 and March 1.  A balance of advertising and content is needed; the addition of more pages is fine with prior approval from the Secretary/Treasurer (who will then advise the Board) before proceeding with additional costs.  Advertising premiums will increase 30%, rounded to the nearest dollar, effective October 1, 2018 – September 30, 2019.  A request for more editorial content on positive information/stories/recipes from local residents, not local business’ – more of a grassroots approach to the editorials to make it a more community based paper.  Suzanne’s contract with the Lappe & Area Local Service Board will be viewed in the new fiscal year.
  2. New Business   

AON was out on September 11 to review the policy.  A commercial representative met with Bonnie Buck (Secretary/Treasurer), Carly Hackborn (Recreation Director/Director) and Lorenze Bosinger (Deputy Fire Chief).  It was noted the existing policy has not been reviewed for approximately 10 years so there are some drastic changes in equipment, liability, etc since its last review.  We are awaiting a quote for AON on with the updates.

It was noted and suggested by Linda Braun of the MNDM that the Lappe & Area Local Services Board need to have a 1st meeting with the newly elected Board as soon as possible to October 1.  This may involved moving the Election meeting to the 1st of October, with a meeting of the new Board to follow, then regular meetings will follow every 3rd Tuesday afterwards.  The year runs from October 1 to September 30.  This 1st meeting would be to sign by-laws, review the insurance for the year – all that come into effect October 1.

  1. Recreation Report – Submitted by Carly Hackborn, Recreation Coordinator

It has been going well.  T-ball was delayed until next year as all the equipment needs to be replaced (due to age and deterioration of it.  It is expense so its cost will be added into next year’s budget. Dance is starting next week for kids 4-10 years of age.  Thursday night 6-8:45pm.  9 classes on Thursdays with a recital in December.  Another lead for Gymnastics will start in January.  Otherwise everything else is the same as last year.  There are 4 birthday parties booked from now until the end of October and 1 wedding reception.

Motion 04/09/18    Accepted by BJ Kapush, seconded by Chris Hansen.  Adopted


  1. Emergency Services Report -Presented by Darren Auld

So far this years up towards 80 calls, everything from structure fires to medical calls.  One structure fire in East Gorham, 4 trailers and 10 cars were lost.  Another mutual call in Kaministiquia where a structure was lost.  Otherwise pretty straight forward calls.

Training year has commenced.  One new recruit with another possibly coming on board.  Six of our Firefighters attended Fire Con, MFPA Certification for a couple and others were brushing up on their fire and rescue techniques.  Another of our Firefighters was an instructor in auto extrication.

In the beginning of August, Bill Pottruff and I attended the International Fire Chief Conference in Dallas Texas.  Bill, our training officer, did a presentation, based on Volunteerism in your community.  The feedback was excellent as he had people approach him immediately afterwards to get tips on what to do in their departments.

Not only is Lappe Fire Department known in Canada and the US but soon to be known in Bolovia.  One of our own, Jessica Araya, is going to train their volunteer firefighters.  She has applied and been accepted through Firefighters without Borders.

We have acquired a burn structure at Trout Lake so will be doing training sessions in the structure and on it this fall between now and November prior to its burn date.

Rescue 83 is now fully outfitted and in full service.  It has become a vital piece of service to our department and community.

Motion 05/09/18 Accepted by Chris Hansen seconded by BJ Kapush.  Adopted.

  1. Transfer Site/Waste Facility

Nothing to report

  1. Fire Number Report 

Nothing to report


  1. AdjournmentMotion 08/05/18 to adjourn – BJ Kapush, seconded by Chris Hansen.  Adopted

Meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM.